Texts in English
Václav Klaus sent a letter of congratulation to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Prague, August 12, 2014

Dear Mr. President,

Let me congratulate you on your election as President of the Republic of Turkey.

In the past, I had several opportunities to meet you and learn you were a man with clear vision who strives to turn Turkey into a strong, self-confident, economically successful and culturally diverse country; a man with an interest in the stability of the whole Middle East. The fact that you, as incumbent Prime Minister, succeeded in the first direct presidential election only proves that this is also the view of the majority of your citizens.

Today’s Middle East, and the world in general, faces many serious challenges. I believe that your country and you personally, Mr. President, will play an important role in finding effective answers to the questions concerning stability of your whole region and that the nations living there will solve their problems and disagreements on their own, without insensitive interventions from the outside.

I see Turkey not only as an island of stability, but also prosperity. The economic growth of your country in recent years is admirable and stands in sharp contrast to the situation in Europe, and unfortunately also in the Czech Republic. I have always attached great importance to the relations between our two countries. I remember my official state visit to Turkey two years ago, during which I was accompanied by a historically largest delegation of business people. After having left the Presidential office, I very carefully continue following the situation in your country, as well as the mutual Czech-Turkish relations, and will – within the scope of my now somewhat limited possibilities – do my best to preserve the dynamics of these relations.

Dear Mr. President, I wish you firm health, patience and every success in your presidential office. I believe there will be an opportunity to meet again soon.

With best regards

Václav Klaus

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