Texts in English
Open Letter of the Václav Klaus Institute to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala Regarding the Situation in Ukraine

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

We follow with great concern your – for us – incomprehensible passivity towards what is happening in and around Ukraine. You probably agree with us that the situation is unsustainable and extremely dangerous for everyone. The conflict in Ukraine has been in the long term the biggest security threat on our continent. The ongoing military escalation threatens the whole of Europe, including the Czech Republic. Even though our public does not seem to acknowledge the imminent danger, the possibility of an open military conflict in our vicinity is very real.

The greatest victim of the situation that is escalating these days is and will be Ukraine itself. The ongoing clash of superpowers that is taking place there – with the US and the United Kingdom on one side and Russia on the other – is not in the interest of the people of that country. It is not and cannot be in the interest of the Ukrainians to have a military conflict on their territory. A war between Ukraine (represented by the United States) and Russia on the Ukrainian territory would cost the Ukrainians further economic turmoil, social destabilization and a total loss of independence.

Playing with the most modern weapons is not an innocent computer game. One cannot light-heartedly rely on the assumption that – in a tense situation and at an unguarded moment – a mistake couldn’t creep into such games. Such a mistake would put into motion an uncontrollable development, the spontaneous dynamics of which would be impossible to stop. This would not be the first time in history that this has happened.

While Russia is no doubt pursuing its own interests, which are not identical to those of the other parties to the conflict, its concerns are legitimate and should be taken seriously. Without Russia and at the expense of Russia, the current conflict cannot be resolved.

We cannot and no longer want to remain silent. We have had enough of political games, of scaremongering and of adding fuel to the fire. We reject the attempts to involve the Czech Republic in the military escalation of the conflict, to supply weapons to Ukraine, to contribute to increasing tensions, as well as to abuse the Ukrainian conflict in the domestic political disputes and to create an atmosphere in which only one “correct” opinion is allowed. Let us not create enemies out of those who see it differently.

We ask you, Mr. Prime Minister, to ensure that the individual members of your government act responsibly and with dignity in this matter, and to push for serious and responsible negotiations between all parties involved with the aim of implementing the Minsk agreements and negotiating security guarantees for all parties to the conflict.

On behalf of the Václav Klaus Institute

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